Scary pregnancy

The first day of school was September 6, and started like any other day. That night I went out with some girlfriends to celebrate a birthday. After ice cream, we went to our friends new office and helped decorate for their open house party the following day. It was around 11 pm and I started feeling hot and crampy, and I kept going to the bathroom. One of the times I went, there was a bunch of blood and I knew something was wrong. I came out and told my friends I need to come home and I couldn't drive fast enough. I got home and started telling Caleb what happened. We called the nurse advice line and they said I need to go straight to the hospital. I have had enough miscarriages to know bleeding is not good. I called Rhoda about 50 times and she wouldn't answer her phone, so I called Trevor and he woke her up. She just finished a shift at the hospital and I woke her up and asked her to meet me in the ER. Caleb stayed home with our kids who were asleep and I told him I would update him and he could come later depending on what was going on. I knew it would be hours of waiting and tests before anything could or would happen.

Sure enough, Rhoda and I were in the hospital for hours and hours. They did an ultrasound but wouldn't let me see anything. Just lots of silence and no news. There was a regular ER doctor and no OBGYN. After about 5 hours they said that I had a large hematoma, or blood clot, that was next to the baby and there was lots of blood in my uterus. They said they didn't know much more than that and I needed to call my doctor the next morning. Then I came home.

The next day I started to call my doctor and nobody seemed to think there was anything to do. They said stay home, bleeding was normal for this condition. That was it. I called every day, and they didn't seem to think I needed to be seen. Finally I convinced them to let me see my doctor and they got me in a couple of days later. My doctor felt this was a very serious condition and he was quite concerned. He said my hematoma is large, which is the worst kind, and it's right by my placenta and could cause damage. He said bleeding for two weeks is normal, don't do any real activity, but don't just lay in bed, get up and walk around and he scheduled a rush ultrasound.

After the ultrasound from my doctor he said he was worried and wanted to refer me to a specialist, so he schedule an appointment with a perinatologist in Portland. First available appointment is 9/20, we wait to see what happens then.


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