Dr. Jason

I am still pregnant and made it up to the specialist on 9/20. Dr. Jason sent me for a new ultrasound and the senographer couldn't really read the fluid levels because they were too low to measure. But she could see the baby was alive. She couldn't find the hematoma, but she couldn't find much of anything. She got pretty frustrated and tried many times before she sent us back to the doctor.

I had Kim, my friend and neighbor come with me. I should have probably brought Caleb, but he had to work and I wasn't sure they would tell me anything new anyway. Dr. Jason was awesome. He had so much more information than anyone else. He spoke to Kim and I for an hour and went over all the conditions, the plan from here forward, what could happen, what may not happen, and gave us a wealth of information.

He said he was more optimistic than when they called him two days ago when I was in the hospital. He said the fluid levels were about the same, so that's good. I didn't lose all my fluid, and the baby had enough that he was still alive. He said it's unlikely I will ever have more, but if I could keep this amount, he baby may live.

We need to make it to 24 weeks. I can stay home until then, and just take it super easy. Not complete bed rest, but no real walking or doing anything either. I can shower, use the bathroom, get water, change positions, but not go anywhere.

So I go in every week for ultrasounds, and try and make it to 24 weeks. My next appointment with him needs to be with Caleb. It will be on October 18, right before I am 24 weeks. At that point, if I make it, I will be hospitalized in Portland until the baby is born. The baby is likely to have many serious health conditions and needs to be in the hospital and NICU immediately for awhile.

Back home I go, more waiting.


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