Calvin's one year check-up

Calvin had his one year check-up on July 5th. He is walking now, and he can wave bye-bye, which are both great signs. He still doesn't talk, but we think he's pretty smart anyway. He can go downstairs by himself without supervision now, which is a blessing for us in a two-story home. He loves to play downstairs with Shelby and the toys, and he scoots right down the steps without a problem. He walks pretty well now as long as his arms are straight up in the sky and his mouth is open. He can go straight, but turning and stopping are still pretty hard for him. He and Shelby are playing very well together and they crack each other up in the car. Calvin is still rear-facing in the car and we put him in the middle so he sits right next to Shelby who faces forward. This way they can hold hands, play games, and steal each others snacks and toys. We are very proud of our little man Calvin and all the things he is able to do now.

Our next MRI and neurosurgeon consult is in August, but we are pretty optimistic that he will not need surgery. Here are his stats:
Weight: 26 pounds, around 80th percentile
Length: 30 1/4" tall, just over 50th percentile
Head: 21 inches, see chart below for percentile

The pencil marks on this chart are four our reference to see that he may be making his own curve if you connect all the dots. His head was growing exponentially, which has slowed a little. His head is bigger than Shelby's and is only one inch smaller than mine. It's about two inches smaller than Caleb's. My family has pretty large heads, we measured everyone to get accurate numbers. We hope he just grew early and that things will slow down. Love my little man and all his big headedness!


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