Christmas 2010

This was our first Christmas in our new home and it was a lot of fun decorating and making it feel like Christmas. Caleb always lets me get whatever size tree that I want to and play Christmas music the entire month of December. He's such a good sport. I was pretty sad when we got our tree because I was afraid it wouldn't be big enough. However, it just barely fit in our home and was just the perfect size.
We decided that we would do a very small Christmas and try to keep the presents to a minimum. It's too easy to get caught up in buying and forget what the season is really about. We got each of our kids one present and it was perfect. They are the age where they don't need much, have more than they could ever need, and want to play with the boxes and wrapping paper anyway. We started the morning by trying to eat all the candy we had left over. Good way to start the day! Shelby was sad because Caleb ate one of the chocolates first.
 Shelby Lu got a car picked out by her dad.
Calvin got this cute light up toy that will hopefully be entertaining for him in the car when it's dark.
Then we watched some Christmas cartoons and waited for Grandma and Grandpa Coombs to come over with some delicious breakfast. Eric made some kind of casserole dish that his mother used to make. It was a great way to remember Granny Annie! He also brought some rum cake that made my house smell like boos. Good times! And of course, they spoiled all of us. Lots of gifts and good times spent together. Each gift was thoughtful and just perfect for our kids. My favorites are these cute hats that Wendy made each of them.

We are very blessed to have such thoughtful families. My mother made some cute little bowls for my kids too. No pictures yet, we are going to get together on Sunday.

We also did Christmas with my sister and her family a few nights ago. It's nice to spread out the holiday over many days. Less hectic that way and the kids aren't so overwhelmed with gifts and food.

My sister has 5 adorable kids and they love my kids very much. We have fun watching the kids open their presents and playing all night until they almost fall asleep standing up.

One of my favorite part of the holiday this year was going to the live nativity that our church put on. We got to see a real camel, donkey, sheep and some mini horses. I have a lot of great memories this year and hope to build on them in the years to come.


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