Calvin is 6 months old

We took mister Calvin in for his 6 month check up. He's growing like crazy. He is such a good baby that he barely even cried when he got his shots. He is still not rolling over completely. He goes from his back up to his side, and then back down again. He absolutely hates being on his stomach. He loves to pull Shelby's hair, laugh at her bouncing around the house, and he smiles all the time. He loves his jumperoo and is getting a pretty quick hand at grabbing whatever is in front of him. He just pulled a glass of water on  my dad yesterday.

Calvin's weight is 20 lbs, and 85th percentile
His height is 27 inches, and 75th percentile
And his head is 49 cm, off the charts

Calvin's head has continued to grow very rapidly and the doctor staffed it with a neurosurgeon. He's behind developmentally, but that alone is not a big deal. Coupled with the size of his head the neurosurgeon felt like we shouldn't wait and get it tested. So off to OHSU we went for an MRI. Calvin had to be sedated due to his age, which was the biggest concern of doing the test. He did wonderfully and only had to get 1/4 of the medicine they were suppose to give him. He needed a nap anyway, so the doctor gave him just enough to fall asleep. Calvin woke up right away after the test and the doctor asked if he could keep Calvin. The doctor was walking around showing him off to all the staff members and was very proud of his little patient.

Here he is with numbing agents on his extremities. They weren't sure where they would find a good vein so they put stuff on him everywhere. 
 This is Calvin after a little bit of the medicine. As you can see, he went to sleep very easily. It's very hard to see your 6 month old on a bed like this. I am so grateful it was for a test and not for a serious procedure.

The test results came back and he does not have hydrocephalus, which is water-on-the-brain. That's what they were the most worried about. He does have some other things going on, which could explain his head size. None of it needs immediate intervention and we will follow up with a neurosurgeon again in two months or so. He has enlarged fluid, sub-arachnoid space prominence, and axial fluid collection. We just need to watch his development and continued growth of his head. For now, we are just grateful there isn't something worse going on. It's still worrisome, but we are feeling a bit of relief.


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