Ronin turns 3

Ronin had his birthday party two days after Christmas on his actual birthday. Each year I feel like I should do a half birthday, or maybe do it a week late. But the big kids always spoil it and this year they got Ronin so excited about it, that we couldn't wait. So I ripped Christmas down the day after again, cleaned my house, and then immediately decorated for Ronin's Paw Patrol party. We had family over, ate some cake, and had a great time. This boy loves his Paw Patrol, and all his cousins.

Ronin talks all day long, every day. He says more words at 3 than any of my other kids. We have full conversations and he knows what he wants. He's obsessed with all construction vehicles just like Calvin was. He always points out trucks and trailers to me when we drive. He loves to watch Batman and Paw Patrol. He wants to read the same construction books every night, over and over. And he loves to snuggle. Every single morning he climbs into my bed and asks to "nuggle" me. It's the best way to wake up, as long as it's not before 7 am!

Chalk art by Shelby


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