Christmas 2017

I absolutely love Christmas time. I love to wrap gifts and leave them under the tree for weeks up to Christmas. I love to take gifts to people and the excitement that only a child can have this time of year. We stay up WAY too late every Christmas Eve making sure we didn't forget anything. This year was a little over the top from Santa. It's always pretty obvious when I am involved in the shopping for the kids and when Caleb is left to run to the store. He has a tendency to go a little overboard.

Anyway, the kids always pass the tree on the way to our bedroom so I always try and wake up before they do so we can all have the surprise together. This year I heard Calvin coming upstairs because he walks so loudly that it's hard to miss. We waited for Shelby to wake up and then let the big kids open their Santa gift. And then Ronin came up and wanted nothing to do with his. Pretty funny, but he wakes up like Caleb, slow and cranky!

After we shared gifts and breakfast we just played together and relaxed. Christmas evening we went to my sisters and got to talk to my nephew Logan who is serving a mission in Nicaragua. The call was relatively short, but we had a good connection and could see him clearly on the TV. He comes home this summer and we always love getting to hear missionary stories from him.

Feeling blessed this Christmas for our beautiful family and healthy kids. It's challenging not to think about our baby we just lost. We won't ever forget him. The kids wanted to get him a stocking and still named a couple of decorations after him. So sweet. We love our little man Slater and can't wait to see him again.

Finally scored some Seahawks gear!

Santa spoiled the youngest

Calvin loves to sort gifts for everyone

Shelby got her Boo puppy

Ronin is finally waking up and happy to open a present

Everyone talking to Logan and laughing


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