Preschool for both kids

We were doing a home preschool program with Krista, the lady who watches our kids for the past few years. This year, Krista's youngest went to kindergarten and Shelby went to preschool. That left Calvin at her house alone during the day and he was soooooo sad about it. He begged me to go to school the whole first semester that Shelby went. It just broke my heart. Winter semester I decided to enroll him and see how he does. He's only three, but he's potty trained, a good listener, and is not afraid to go to class without his mother around.

We just finished Shelby's first full year in preschool and Calvin's half-year. They had the cutest graduation party ever. Caleb and I took the morning off and spent it with the kids. After graduation we went to McDonald's play area and celebrated with a gross lunch. I can't stand the food there but the kids think it's a little slice of heaven.

Shelby has learned all the sounds and letters in the alphabet now. She struggles with letters but this year she has really taken off and can even spell and read a few things. She can't wait to start kindergarten next year. I can't believe she is old enough to go! She also can do math. It's crazy how well she does with addition and subtraction. She writes math problems on the shower door and wants us to give her a quiz all the time. It's so fun to see her mind working.

Calvin has lost some of his shyness. He made friends with some of the kids and runs into school and doesn't look back. His favorite part of school is playing with the toys of course. But I know he has fun with some of the learning too. He isn't much for drawing or writing yet, but he sure is learning a lot.

This is what happened when they called up Calvin to get his diploma. He hid under his chair and would not come back out. I guess he is still shy with some things. Haha!

And my absolute favorite part was hearing what Shelby shared. Only the kids moving on to graduation get this special highlight moment. It was so cute to hear what all the kids said. Love her!


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