Just when I gave up, a miracle happened

 have been seeing a fertility specialist up in Portland to see if I can get pregnant. My sister Rhoda usually goes with me to my appointments now. She understands a lot about having babies and she's a great listener. Caleb's schedule is usually too crazy to come with me and so I usually just have Rhoda go.
Every appointment is so annoying and drives me crazy for one reason or another. The doctors never seem to know my full history, contradict the previous doctors recommendation, and don't even agree on what's wrong with me. I always leave so frustrated and usually get pretty emotional for the next few days.

I have been on hormones like Clomid, Progesterone, and Levetra to try and help me ovulate. In the past 9 months they think I ovulated twice. The medication makes me so crazy that I decided not to do it anymore. I constantly have to get tests done throughout the month, the medication has so many negative side effects, and it's expensive. So I told Caleb that I don't want to take it anymore. He thought I should try one more time, but then I got a call from the nurse that sealed it for me. She said that I may possibly have ovulated but that my hormone levels are so low that I wouldn't be able to keep the baby even if I got pregnant. So I told her I didn't want to take the drugs anymore. I mean, why subject myself to all the stress and side effects when I'm still not pregnant or ovulating, right?!

Well it turns out that I did get pregnant that month. The news is kind of bitter sweet. They said I have a very low likelihood of keeping the pregnancy. There's really nothing I can do to change it either. Keep taking the progesterone, some other drugs I don't even know yet, and go in for lots of test and cross my fingers. 


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