Christmas party

This year all my siblings came over for our Christmas party. We usually don't all get under one roof, so when we do, it's time to snap some pictures. It's so much fun to see my kids getting to know my brother Ryan and their new nephew Porter. Here is Uncle Ryan teaching my kids how to destroy our yard and play in the street. Good example! But hey, that's what uncles are for.

Here we are at meal time. 
 Here's what happens when the grown-ups decide to play dress up by the tree.
 Here's Roger's family. Angela and Porter sure do make him look good.
This is a picture of a quilt that my mom had made for Rhoda. It's from my grandpa Dave's old jeans and handkerchiefs. We can totally recognize some of his jeans and we love it. I may have to borrow that.

 And here's the whole family. Some of us are growing up and some of us are growing old.


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