Christmas 2015

Christmas was out of control this year. We are usually pretty low key, but that's hard to do with 7 kids in the house. My sisters family is staying with us (more about that later), and so Christmas morning was full of lots of laughter and screaming. We've never really done the whole Santa thing either. We are big believers in less is more for gifts for our kids. We like to spoil other peoples kids instead. Anyway, so Santa apparently buys things that are unreasonable and obnoxious. That's how the kids know it was really Santa, because what parent would honestly buy things that are loud, eat up batteries, and take up lots of space….

So yes, super adorable to see how happy they are. I get it. But then they only got one gift from us. Unless you count their new pajamas. But then they get stuff from their grandparents, great grandparents, aunts and uncles, and before you know it, there are 9 million gifts under the tree and we have enough recycling to fill the back of a Uhaul. And yes, part of that is my fault. I love a pretty wrapping job, and I save up boxes for months and months. Here is Trevor opening the most glitter attacking paper I have ever found. We had to wash everything after this was opened. Glitter for days! And, there is no tape in the world that will stick to it. So I had to wrap it with hot glue. Lots of blisters to prove that one. Trevor tried not to touch it, haha. All the boys gifts were wrapped in it!
These two little ones were so excited to adopt a unicorn. They love JFO. Shelby thinks it's where Caleb goes to play guitar. But it's actually an orthodontist that we happen to love. Rhoda got them these sweet little gifts.


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