Day 5 results

I'm still home recovering from surgery. The embryologist called today and only 3 of the eggs have made it to day 5. They are sending them for DNA testing. I got off the phone right away and just cried, and cried. And text my sister. And called Caleb. And then cried. And then I found some really sad movies to watch that made me cry harder.

Then my doctor called me:

They also said that I can't have any implantation or plans to implant until my blood count is back up. Obviously babies need blood, and I don't have enough. Here's what he said:

My hemoglobin should be at minimum 12, preferably higher. It's currently 8.
My hematocrit should be at minimum 35, preferably in the 40s. It's currently at 23.

Then he gives me permission to eat LIVER. GROSS! And steak, and spinach. I've been eating chicken broth, and chocolate. Probably not the diet he was hoping for.

We were initially going to try and implant in May, but he doesn't think that will happen. And we don't even know the DNA results for two more weeks. We may not end up with anything viable. And then we would have to decide if we do it again, or not....

On the bright side, because there always is one, I have the best family and friends an girl could ask for. I have had meals, treats, babysitters, texts, and just the very best people in my life. I am always very private about myself and tend not to share. But it's impossible to manage all this and not tell people. We needed help. And it was so hard to ask for it, but I am so glad I did. Because it helps me realize how amazing people are. And how willing they are to help.

Feeling very blessed. And praying hourly that these three littles have at least one that survives.


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