Ronin Dean

After two weeks of labor and contractions 4-5 minutes apart, it was clear that our baby boy was not going to come on his own. I had to go to my doctor almost daily to check my status, and every day I had regular contractions that were getting more intense, but no dilation. They gave me sleeping pills but even those would only last about 3 hours and then I was up. So I resorted to puzzles, online articles, and anything I could do in the middle of the night. Luckily on Dec 24 I didn't have hardly any contractions and got some good sleep. Shelby would pray every night that I wouldn't have the baby until after Christmas so that I wouldn't be in the hospital over the holiday. Sweet girl, and her prayers were answered. We went in for a scheduled c-section on December 27th. Due to complications with my other two deliveries, I needed to have a c-section, as much as I wanted to avoid it. I tried to think of everything and anything but my friends and family all told me that I needed to let go and just have the c-section.

On Dec 27 we went to the hospital to check in at 5 am. We didn't sleep at all the night before. It's a trip knowing you're going in to have your baby. I've always gone into labor before. We went to the hospital and they said they are full and needed to reschedule me. Unfortunately we had already gone past the date we should have delivered him, and because it was a c-section my doctor refused to let me go another day. I was already pushing the limits trying to avoid a Christmas birthday. So they let us stay and started the preparations.

My sister Rhoda and Caleb were there with me. We waited for two hours in the room getting all prepared and monitoring the baby. I was still having regular contractions right up until the procedure. Caleb really wanted to watch the procedure but we were told that they just don't let husbands watch anymore because too many pass out and become a patient themselves. The anesthesiologist  was Dr Miller and he got to decide what Caleb could and could not watch. He came in to tell us about the process and he wasn't very interested in doing anything special for Caleb. So Caleb just warned him that I have very low blood pressure and that I don't respond well to medication and that was it. Dr Miller left and shortly after they took me into the operating room.

The room was so sterile, freezing cold, and just did not feel like a natural process. They try so hard to make moms feel comfortable and at home in the labor rooms, but not fora  c-section. My blood pressure was a little higher because I was so anxious, so that was good. As soon as Dr. Miller gave me the meds my blood pressure dropped really low, I got sick, and was passing out. He yelled at the nurses to get Caleb right away and bring him in. They usually wait to stabilize the patient but I guess he felt bad. I couldn't see anything because I was semi-unconscious but I could hear him. He kept telling me that I was doing great and Caleb was coming. Once Caleb came in the room, and he gave me more medication to help with my blood pressure and sickness, I woke back up.

They had already started cutting me open and starting the procedure. And Dr. Miller decided Caleb wasn't so bad after all and he let him stand up and watch the entire procedure. My OBGYN Dr Lewis had met Caleb before and told him that Caleb wouldn't get sick and had medical training and had seen surgery before. So Caleb was super pumped to be able to see the whole thing.

The spinal block is crazy because it makes it so you can't feel sharp pain but you do feel lots of other things. So I could feel them taking my organs out and putting them on top of me. I could feel them pulling and tugging and cleaning things. And I could totally feel them pull out our baby boy. It feels like it takes so long before you hear the baby cry, but Caleb assures me that he cried right away. I love hearing their voices for the first time.

They wipe off the baby quickly and bring him to me and lay him on my chest, just like they do with other deliveries. They changed this recently and it made me so happy. I loved seeing him and holding him for the first time. I got really sick again with all the pressure so they took the baby and gave him back to Caleb. Then the doctor gave me more meds that made it so I blacked out again. I guess that part is normal. They weighed the baby and my sister got to wait in that receiving room so she saw him right away. So just like my other kids, Rhoda and Caleb were on point until I was put back to normal.

They brought me the baby again and we got to the recovery room. I honestly barely remember this part but I do remember my baby boy. We finally got to our actual room and it was amazing. I loved this little guy so much. It's amazing that with every kid your heart just grows and you have this immediate bond. He has the most perfect face and head. My other kids were a little beat up at birth and this guy was perfect. He's such a good baby and so quiet all the time. He almost never cries.

Later that day we got to bring Calvin and Shelby into meet him. They love their baby brother so much. They are just as excited as we are. It's so fun to have them so excited to have a baby brother.

Two days later we finally agreed to name him Ronin Dean. There was quite the family debate about the name. We almost named him Knox, but Ronin won in the end. I love him no matter what his name is. I am so happy to have him. We waited over three years to have him and my faith was definitely tested during that time. I always knew I wanted three kids and I was just about to give up trying. I am so glad I didn't. He's the perfect addition to our family.

Ronin Dean Coombs
8 pounds 3 ounces
Born at 8:11 am on December 27
20 inches long
His head was 37 cm or 14.5 inches


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