Calvin's surgery

Calvin had to have his circumcision re-done. Not fun! We knew after he was just two days post-op the first time that it had to be fixed. The doctor recommends waiting until they are 4 years old, and guess who just turned four? Yup, fix it time.

Calvin is very afraid of the doctor. It has to do with all his medical issues as a child and he is always afraid to go. He won't let the doctors look at him or touch him for any appointment. We usually take Shelby with us and Shelby pretends that all the appointments are for her and she goes along with our trick. Usually, eventually, we can get Calvin to cooperate, but it's painful. Everything from getting his weight, to looking into his ears.

So when it came time for surgery, I didn't give him any notice. He would have freaked out for days, so I told him the morning of. Shelby knew what he was going in for and she was very worried about him. I left her behind because it took so long and I didn't want her to sit in the waiting room all day. My wonderful sister came with me and helped me tell Calvin what was about to happen.

Me: Calvin we are going to go to the doctor
Calvin: Mom, who is getting on the bed?
Me: You Cal. The doctor is going to give you some juice medicine that tastes really good.
Calvin: Mom, no. I don't want to go. Take Shelby.

That's about how well the conversation went. So I knew we were in for a real treat.

We checked in and Rhoda distracted him with playing games while I did paperwork. Then we got to the pre-op room and to my surprise, it was perfect. They had a blanket made and donated for Calvin, two new cars and a tiger. Calvin ran and jumped up on the bed and started playing and totally forgot where he was.

They gave him versed, which made him giggle like crazy and hide under the blanket. Then they took him away from me and he started screaming. I hated that part. It made me so sad.

After he was in recovery they won't come get me until he's breathing on his own. The nurse came to get me hours later and as I walked back to the post-op room I could hear him screaming. He was so mad. He wasn't even himself. He was clearly still drugged. His voice was super scratchy from the breathing tube, and his eyes were red and dark. He screamed for almost an hour straight. He was trying to rip off the tape, IV, and was just fighting me on everything. I don't know if he even realized who I was for the first 20 minutes. Finally after I got a little feisty with the nurses they agreed to take off the IV. Immediately he calmed down and fell asleep.

After that he did really well. He had a pain block for the first day so he didn't know what to think. Going to the bathroom was the hardest part for him. Shelby wanted to come see him right away and was constantly checking him out. She took really good care of him.

It took about a week for him to get back to normal. He was really bruised and kept hurting himself but after a week he was just his normal self again. Happy to have my boy back!


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