Calvin starts pre-school again

Last year Calvin went to school two days a week and he was in Shelby's class with her. This year we decided to enroll him in 5 days a week and he doesn't even go to the same school as her. Her school was full and so he is going to Lee Elementary which is nearby. They start 10 minutes apart and end 10 minutes apart, which is just enough time to get them there on time.

Calvin's class started a week after Shelby's and every day he was so sad that she got to go to school and he didn't. It was a painful week for the poor kid. We took him to go do special things, but it didn't make it better because he loves school.

His teacher is Ms. Hanna and his class is only 18 kids. He runs into school every morning and doesn't look back. The very first day he did ask me to stay, but when I told him I had to leave he was fine with it. For being a shy kid, he's getting very independent.

Now both kids are so tired every night. They both sleep very well and always talk about school. They primarily talk about recess. Calvin wants to know what all the other kids backpacks are. He also loves to play with their toys. So happy he's growing up and such a good boy.


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