
This year Shelby wanted to be a mermaid and Calvin wanted to be a dozer. Shelby got her costume for her birthday present from her Granny, so that was easy. But how was Calvin going to be a dozer? Caleb found some cute pictures online and copied the idea and made him a costume. It was awesome because Calvin got to see it take shape, get painted, and finally wear it. Now he just plays with it.

We went to EZ Orchards with Grandma Wendy. We had such beautiful weather this year in October. It was a perfect day to go.

Calvin stole this tractor and rode it all over the place. Here he is making a run for it.

 And of course our carvings for the year. Let's just say, Caleb does all the carving every year. I help do the guts, and the clean up, but I'm not the creative one. I use the stencils in the books.


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