Adorable kids

Just going through pictures on my phone thinking about how cute my kids are. Seriously can't get enough of these little guys.

Calvin is ready for church:
 This is what my boy does every morning while I get ready for work. Plays puzzles and car racing games on my iPad. He's good too!
Calvin is obsessed with cats and small dogs. He finds them everywhere and makes friends. 
 Here he is with a new puppy that his daycare bought for their family. He thinks it's his own dog and I'm glad he gets to play with this one all day.
 Here is Shelby at primary program practice. Her first program and what does she do? She pulls the hair of the kids in front of her. Lovely.
 How many grapes can she put in her mouth? There's at least 6 in this picture.
 Here she is shooting guns with her dad. She loves it. She got to shoot into the water and watch it explode.
 Not only does she jump off the diving board now, she can do a full spin before she lands.


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