Sunriver with my SIS!

It's been a very long time since my sister and I got to take a trip together. Caleb and I went to a family reunion in Bend over the weekend and my sister joined us when it was over. Of course, it was her family too, but she avoided the reunion and just came after. She apparently had other plans, but I think she just didn't want to sit in the hot sun and stare at grass for two days. Caleb had to go to work, so it was me and my kids and my sister and her kids too. My aunt was there with her son too.

We swam at the new SHARC swim center they just opened this year. It was very cool and the kids had a blast. We did a 50 mile bike ride for Logan to accomplish his boy scout badge. We ran multiple times together. Went to the park. Ate lots of food. And stayed up late talking after the kids went to bed. It was really a great week!


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