Calvin and his glasses

When Calvin was 13 months old, we took him to the eye doctor as part of his other head diagnosing appointments. The doctor said he had a good chance of being near-sided and that we need to follow up. I took half the day off work and drove up to Portland so that he could be seen by a pediatric doctor. I am glad we did that because the doctor knew exactly how to handle a kid that was Calvin's age. They had fun toys in the room and ways to keep his attention. He could not see at all after they dilated his eyes, so it was one crash after the next. Then they told us his diagnosis -5 on the right and -8 on the left. I wasn't sure what to make of that, but she said it was really bad. We couldn't pick out any glasses in Portland because of the time of day, so we waited until Caleb could go with us. I took him to a place in Salem and Caleb and I were cracking up trying lots of different glasses on him. He HATED every single pair. It was hilarious. We knew that keeping glasses on him would be hard. There was one pair that looked like Harry Potter glasses and they were very cute. Too bad Caleb freaked out and would not go for it. The glasses had to be special ordered because they were so strong, so a week and half later we picked them up. I was so excited to give them to Calvin. I was almost crying on the drive home thinking about how it would be this miraculous moment. Calvin would realize that he could see and he would give me big hugs and the world would be right. I had my sitter hold my phone to capture the moment because I just knew it would be amazing.

Needless to say, he doesn't care if they help him see or not. He hates them. He wants to burn them. And that's all there is to it.

It's been a month now and he keeps them on a little better now. He does realize that he can see better with them. But he still rips them off and throws them as far as he can when I'm not looking. I've found them in the garbage, hidden under beds, in the toy storage area, under the couch, and just about every other place in between. I know this will not be the last pair of glasses we buy for this kid.

He does look pretty stinking cute if you ask me. Love my little four-eyed-man!


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