Caleb passes his boards!!

Since Caleb went down to USC to retake his boards, he has been very stressed out. He has been checking the WREB website every day to see if results were posted. Finally, today, they posted. He passed!! It only cost us a mere $3,000 for him to retake the boards. Just pocket change, right?

He called his boss first thing today. It looks like he will probably still be working in Eugene for now. His boss doesn't really want him to have to commute, so he's keeping his eyes open for something closer to our home. We are just feeling blessed that they are still keeping him on contract even though he has been delayed work.

I have been sick with mastitis the past few days and not up for much. But this news feels like it's healing me. I really want to see if I can get myself out of the house and go celebrate with Caleb.


Anonymous said…
Yeah go Calob. Congrats!

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