What's new with the Coombs?

Just did a two week externship with a clinic in Roseburg. I missed him terribly and Shelby was sick every single day he was gone. I am a horrid single parent and I am going to be the most grateful wife from now on. Caleb also took his boards in January, which almost killed us both. I got the scores while he was gone and he did great. He passed, which was all I cared about. For those of you dental score junkies, he got a 83 on the first day and an 81 on the second day. He thought he failed both days, so we are very proud that he passed. Caleb also has a job offer in Eugene that is looking very promising. I will NEVER live in Eugene (sorry Andrea), but I can live in deep South Salem for three years and be happy. I still prefer to live in Portland, but Caleb's first job will not be his last. I shouldn't be that picky, a job is a job is a job.

I am halfway done with pregnancy #2. We are having a boy and his name will most likely be Calvin. I am still in shock that it's a boy, and I haven't been able to think in blue yet. Maybe it will come overtime. I just want to reuse all of Shelby's precious little clothes, and to think about buying more baby clothes makes me sick. I can't complain about being pregnant though. I haven't been sick, I just wake up really early and can't sleep like I used to. I can still wear all of my pants, but the shirts are way too small. I hope I don't get as big as I did with Shelby!

She is learning so much right now, it's hard to think of all the things she knows now. She loves to sing songs that have hand motions and repeats a lot of words. She insists on feeding herself at all times and she won't crawl up the stairs anymore. She has to walk upstairs like a big girl, which scares me. She finally got over her bad cold and is back to running, screaming, playing and laughing. I missed her little personality when she was sick and it's good to have her back.


Unknown said…
Holy Cow...I just found out you were having a baby and you already know it is a boy!?! Congrats! Good job to Caleb too on the boards and the job offer!
I forgive for not wanting to live in Eugene. Its definitely and acquired taste. Congrats on a boy they are so fun. Cooper also won't let us feed him, unless its yogurt, and he thinks he has to walk up the stairs also. Congrats to you both.
Tony and Vi said…
what a great update!! i'm so excited for all the changes in your family. congrats to you all!!

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