
Showing posts from February, 2010

What's new with the Coombs?

Caleb:  Just did a two week externship with a clinic in Roseburg. I missed him terribly and Shelby was sick every single day he was gone. I am a horrid single parent and I am going to be the most grateful wife from now on. Caleb also took his boards in January, which almost killed us both. I got the scores while he was gone and he did great. He passed, which was all I cared about. For those of you dental score junkies, he got a 83 on the first day and an 81 on the second day. He thought he failed both days, so we are very proud that he passed. Caleb also has a job offer in Eugene that is looking very promising. I will NEVER live in Eugene (sorry Andrea), but I can live in deep South Salem for three years and be happy. I still prefer to live in Portland, but Caleb's first job will not be his last. I shouldn't be that picky, a job is a job is a job. Renae:  I am halfway done with pregnancy #2. We are having a boy and his name will most likely be Calvin. I am still in shock that...

Update on Baby Calvin

I had an ultrasound done when I was 20 weeks and got to find out baby Calvin is a boy. Crazy to imagine us having a boy, but we are very excited. Caleb was gone in Roseburg doing an externship and could not attend the ultrasound. So my sister Rhoda went with me and provided the much needed support. I love seeing the little hands, feet, and heart. It's amazing to be able to meet your baby. He really did not move very much during the ultrasound. It looks like he has one position he likes and he wants to stay there. I sent Caleb some pictures by phone to make him guess what we were having. He of course guessed a boy, because he really wanted one. One week after the ultrasound I got a call, Friday at noon, and my doctor wanted me to go in and get some blood work done. Baby Calvin has a cyst on his brain. It could be Trisomy 18, which means he will die shortly after birth or within the first year of life. They didn't get a great picture of both hands and feet to be able to rule ...