To Shelby, my only daughter
To my first born Shelby Lu, Shelby, you were our first child, first pregnancy and first love other than each other. Your dad and I wanted to wait until he was in or almost done with his second year of dental school before we got pregnant. We knew that the second year was the hardest and he would be gone a lot, so we made our plan. We were married for five years before we had you. I was pregnant with you when I turned 30. You were born three months after my birthday. Your dad threw a surprise birthday party for me, and I was so embarrassed. I love to spoil other people, but get very shy when the attention is on me. I was wearing a shirt with a stain, and couldn't find any clothes to fit me. My birthday was miserably hot and I was a sweaty mess. We tried to get pregnant for 6 months after we decided we were ready. I had a hard time waiting once we decided, and I had hoped it would happen instantly. Once I was pregnant I didn't get sick until the second month. I told my sister...