Covid sucks

Caleb and I got home from an anniversary trip to find out the world was out of groceries and cleaning supplies and school was cancelled. It ended up cancelling all entertainment, traveling and shut down Caleb's dental office. What do we do when Caleb cannot work? 

We play. We build bike jumps. We work on our property. We go hiking. We sulk that the world stinks right now. We ask Alexa how bad Covid is spreading. We pray for others a lot more. We do home church. We think of ways to uplift others more earnestly. We watch videos on how to wash our hands. We wear masks everywhere or we do go anywhere. We eat at home a lot more often. We learn to get by with one-ply toilet paper (or at least the kids have to....shhhhh.....don't tell them we have more Charmin). We do a lot more puzzles. We read more books. 

Even though the world is depressing and frustrating at times, we have honestly enjoyed a lot of what we have been able to create. Feeling very grateful for our big yard while others have to quarantine in tiny apartments. We can go outside all day and not see anyone. The bike jumps that the boys made were a result of our friends who own a junk company and Seth picked up a bunch of wood and came and made a track at our house.


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