Ronin turns 5

 Ronin had a nerf gun war party at the church this year. We set up tables, bought a bunch of nerf bullets, and invited lots of kids to come run around the church gym and play war. He is starting to show he is left handed more each day and he loves to shoot his guns left handed and use his right eye for the sites. It's hilarious because he can't shoot anything.

Ronin is quick to do anything that he sees an older kid do. He desperately wants to hang out with all of Calvin's friends. He is really social and has a lot of friends already. He is really active and has the energy that Shelby did at this age. He wants to run around and play and help us work. Of all my kids, he is the first one to offer to help us do chores. He will grab a shovel, help clean up yard chores, he unloads the dishwasher every time, and he doesn't mind hard work. He is very coordinated and doesn't fall or crash very easily. He appears to be our tallest kid at this age and he hopes to outgrow everyone in our family.


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