
We promised our kids a trip after we sold our house and we just got back from Legoland. We were there for four days and the kids loved every minute of it. We stayed in the Lego Hotel and they were in heaven as soon as we saw the outside. Inside was a huge play area, and every corner had something fun for the kids to do.

We played at the park and went to all the rides and events. The kids were able to take a robotics course, we watched two different 4D movies, we rode the rides all day every day. The water park was fun but it was kind of cold and we get to play in the water a lot at home. They still loved the water but walking from the different areas around was quite chilly.

The best rollercoaster was by far the race cars. The kids must have gone on this with us at least 6 times when we were there. It was the fastest and they all loved it.

The most engaging ride was the Ninjago ride, where it's like a game. You try and shoot things and we did this one probably close to ten times. Shelby was quite good eat it and we all had fun playing it.

My niece Paige got to go with us and she was a great help in making sure we didn't lose any children. It wasn't nearly as crowded as I expected and the weather was perfect. My kids sure loved it and now that we are home, they keep asking when we can go back again!


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