
Showing posts from May, 2017

Transfer and implantation

On Thursday May 25 we had the transfer of the embryo. I have been a nervous wreck and hardly able to sleep for the last week. Caleb keeps saying very positive things about how excited he is. And I am very excited too. It's crazy to think that I could be pregnant right now. But I also have a lot of emotions on what will happen if it didn't take. The chances are better than 50/50, so that's good. And I want to be positive! So I keep acting like "unikitty" on the Lego movie, "stay positive, stay positive". My darling sister went with me to the transfer. That morning I woke up early, cleaned the entire house like a crazy person, and then we headed to Portland. They gave me a valium which made me crazy tired. They did the fake transfer, it worked, and then the real transfer. The embryo thawed appropriately, which means it lived, and that was also something that I was super worried about. Not all of them make it through thawing but ours did! I had to drink...