Happy 10 years to us

I honestly remember feeling like my wedding day was never going to come. That it was going to take a hundred years before Caleb and I would be able to move in together and run around the house naked every minute. I could have sworn that we would stay up all night talking every night and never get anything done. Maybe he would have to quit school and we would just live in our parents basement because we couldn't bring ourselves to part from one another.

Welp, 10 years later, it's not been what I expected. It's been more about the things that I didn't know mattered before I was married. I know more now about what matters to me, what I need, and what's important for my family. I'm very grateful that Caleb is my husband.

I can be any kind of crazy that I need to be and Caleb will never judge me. I, on the other hand, can be quite judgamental and I constantly tell him what to do. He never does that to me, and I wish I could be more like him. He can play with our kids for hours, house a mess, no meal plans, no worries. It's just kids, trucks, dolls, bikes, or whatever the kids want to do. He's a good balance for me. I'm always thinking about what's not done, what needs to be done next, and I usually decide on a certain kid activity based on the effort it entails in both play and cleaning afterwards. Thank goodness our kids have Caleb! How boring would life be if it was left to me?!

This  year Caleb has been taking a ton of extra classes so he can do more dental work for patients. He can do some sedation now and implants. He's in class this whole week and our anniversary was in the middle. So we got a sitter to get our kids and I snuck up to his class with him. We went to dinner at our favorite restaruant, we ordered the exact same dish we always do, and we headed off to a very nasty little hotel on PSU campus. We had a great night together even though he had to be up by 5 am (which for Caleb  means about 3 hours of sleep). The next morning he turned up the heat for me, put extra blankets on me, and gave me a kiss. It was the perfect evening.

Our anniversary usally means a bigger trip than that, so I am asking for another one after he's done with all these classes. And we are doing taxes right now and I'd like to know if we are going to be sunk, or if we saved appropriately.

Hopefully there will be a post soon that includes us in Maui :)


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