Fertility Fun (or lack there of)

Caleb and I are digging a little deeper into our fertility issues. I finally got to see my own doctor, who I love, and he was very supportive. He was worried because he thinks that I had a third miscarriage about two months ago. He was out of town and I got the witch doctor again and she didn't want to investigate anything. But clearly the symptoms and issues I had were consistent with the other two miscarriages. My doctor was kind of mad at the covering doctor which made me feel better because I can't stand the other doctor. I really don't have ill feelings about anybody, but this lady drives me nuts. Anyway, so Dr Lewis, my favorite, sent us in for some tests. I

Step 1:  Hysterosalpingogram or HSG. Sound fun? Think again. You go into radiology and have them insert dye into you and look at it in an x-ray to see if your tubes are open. It has to be a very specific timing, you have to take meds, and lay on a table for about 40 minutes while they prep you and then take the pictures. I had an awesome doctor who made it go by fast and the good news is that they found  no issues at all.

Step 2: Clomid test. They gave me some clomid to see if they can get me to ovulate. I have continued to have testing every month that shows I don't usually ovulate. I gave up log runs (per the witch doctors orders) and that hasn't changed anything. Except for now I don't get to eat ice cream guilt free. We will see if I passed the test and if I should go on it for a few months and see what happens. There is a 10% likelihood of twins on clomid, and Caleb almost fell over and threw up when I told him that. Hehe.

Step 3: Sperm test. Caleb has to do a sperm analysis. He acts like this is a pretty big deal. But after I explained what happened with my HSG, he agreed that he has a pretty easy job.

We are still waiting to see how the rest of the tests go. The doctor (and I) think all the tests will be fine. After they did the other tests that show I don't have cancer, I feel like I can handle anything. I was worried something major could be going on with me beyond not being able to have a child. As long as I am in good health and so is my family, I can handle the rest of it. Even if we don't have any more kids, I think I can handle that too. Although I do really want to adopt if we can't, Caleb totally disagrees with this idea. He's feeling like our kids are plenty of work and we shouldn't adopt since we both work full time. Which I do have to agree with the work part. It's really not fair to have lots of kids if we are both working all the time. But so far neither of us can or want to quit our jobs. More to come I guess.


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