Fertility Fun (or lack there of)
Caleb and I are digging a little deeper into our fertility issues. I finally got to see my own doctor, who I love, and he was very supportive. He was worried because he thinks that I had a third miscarriage about two months ago. He was out of town and I got the witch doctor again and she didn't want to investigate anything. But clearly the symptoms and issues I had were consistent with the other two miscarriages. My doctor was kind of mad at the covering doctor which made me feel better because I can't stand the other doctor. I really don't have ill feelings about anybody, but this lady drives me nuts. Anyway, so Dr Lewis, my favorite, sent us in for some tests. I Step 1: Hysterosalpingogram or HSG. Sound fun? Think again. You go into radiology and have them insert dye into you and look at it in an x-ray to see if your tubes are open. It has to be a very specific timing, you have to take meds, and lay on a table for about 40 minutes while they prep you and then take the...