Caleb becomes a man

Caleb is a pretty tough guy. He has been a man for awhile. But today he did something that made him an official man. He is officially a member of my family now. It probably should have happened when we got married, but he was still missing one thing.

Today he shot an elk with my dad by his side. I honestly don't like elk meat, and I despise deer meat. But here's the thing- it's just what my family does. They are hunters. They love to kill stuff and eat it. I may not like the meat, but I love the experience he had this past week in Colorado.

Driving that far with my dad and brother-in-law is pretty entertaining. Hiking 10 miles a day around a mountain is beautiful. Watching the sun rise, the sun set, seeing tons of animals, and becoming one with nature is what I like about the hunt. It's how I was raised and I am glad Caleb likes to do it. I was 8 years old when I started hunting with my dad and I still go when I can. I have never shot a real animal and I probably never will. But I can shoot the 

Now- if any of you like elk meat, please contact me. I'll be looking to donate as much as Caleb will allow. 

And let's be honest here, as much as I love it, there's no way in the world he is mounting that elk and hanging it inside my house. The garage is as far as that thing comes into the house! 


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