Utah trip 2012
Caleb was gone elk hunting in Colorado and we had this great idea that I would drive our kids to Utah and meet him there when he was done hunting. Then, my sister decided to come with her kids, but she had a school final that didn't allow her to leave until late Friday night. I didn't want her kids to be stuck in a car and getting to Utah super late on Friday night, so I volunteered to take them too. I borrowed her huge SUV, slammed my two kids, and her four girls in the car, and we hit the road. They all stayed the night at my house the night before, I got the car loaded, and we left around 4:45 am. The trip is usually 13 hours, and we made it in exactly 13 hours. No extra stops, no fighting, a little drama, and the trip was great. Seriously, sometimes more kids is easier. They played so well together. The only melt down was when I had to use the bathroom super bad and I couldn't find Shelby or Calvin's shoes. So I carried them both into the bathroom while Rhoda's ...