Halloween fun

This year we went to my sisters ward and got pumpkins the weekend before Halloween. This guy in her ward has free pumpkins and an outdoor park at his house. Lots of fun toys, nasty hot dogs and tons of kids.

Within the first 30 minutes Calvin managed to fall into a stream of water and almost drown himself. I was standing right there, but he was sinking and choking down water. Luckily I had packed extra clothes and he didn't choke on too much water. Good thing I'm a trained First Responder in case something like this happens. Every parent should be forced to learn CPR, but that's another story.

So we got pumpkins and Calvin couldn't care less about them. He didn't want to hold still and was very motivated to get stuck and fall into the mud as much as possible.

On the day of Halloween we went as a family to the trunk or treat. We met Rhoda's family and had a wonderful time. It did not rain like it did all day long, so the kids were dry. Shelby loved her costume and wore it all night. Calvin wasn't a huge fan of his, but he kept it on and didn't scream.

We ended up with more candy than we know what to do with! The kids had a blast and Caleb and I had fun showing them off in their adorable costumes. Calvin was a beaver and Shelby was of course Rapunzel.


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