
Showing posts from April, 2010

Change is coming

There is a lot changing for the Coombs right now! Caleb signed a final agreement with a dental clinic in Eugene. He starts August 1st and has great guaranteed salary and benefits. He is on schedule to graduate on time and isn't too worried about finishing the last of his requirements at school. I have been busy at work and preparing for maternity leave. The pregnancy is going well. I forgot how enormous I get, and I feel like I might break the ground when I step on it. It will all be over soon and I'll have a sweet little baby boy.Little Calvin doesn't move very much in my belly. He's very different than Shelby was. He gives me little punches and kicks, and rolls around once in awhile. But you can't see my belly move across the room like you could with Shelby. He seems to be pretty content. I haven't been able to sleep since I got pregnant this time, so I am kind of a zombie. I'm getting used to the idea of having a boy now. Starting to get some boy outfit...