Shelby's walking

Last time I wrote Shelby was taking a few steps here and there and taking her time. Now she is pretty sure she's ready to start running with me. She walks everywhere and does not want to be picked up anymore and held because it slows her down and she wants to explore the world. It's so much fun watching her learn to balance, turn around, step on different types of flooring, wear shoes and go up and down hills. She has scratched up knees and hands, but it doesn't seem to slow the desire to walk.

We tried to make her stop picking all the flowers and just smile for a picture. It didn't work very well. She was pretty pumped about picking the flowers and handing them to us.

Now if I could just teach her to load the dishwasher, fold laundry and vacuum.


Anonymous said…
Way to go shelby!
that is so exciting. I am having a hard enough time chasing after cooper just crawling. I can;t imagine what it will be like to have him walking.
Ty and Meg said…
That first picture is the sweetest thing! She is too cute.
Unknown said…
So cute...she is picture perfect with those flowers in the background!

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