6 months old and growing

Little Shelby Lu is not so little anymore. We had her 6 month check up and she is maintaining her large head and weight. She's not growing very tall, but look at the genes she has! She got to start eating food and we started her with sweet peas. She basically hates it, but has fun spitting it all over the place.

She's 18.5 pounds ~ in the 87th percentile
Her height is 26 inches ~ the 50th percentile
Her head is 18 1/4 inches ~ still off the charts

She already goes from sitting, to down on her hands and knees, and back to sitting up. She props up on furniture and stands all the time too. She can't pull herself to standing, but if we help, she is happy to be up there. She loves to go in swings at the park and pull out grass.


Unknown said…
She hates the peas! Sounds like how Quin reacted with the first vegetable we gave to him (which was Squash). We have videos of him spitting it all over the place and then looking at us like we betrayed him by putting something so awful in his mouth. Oh well!

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